Katie & Andy - getting ready
that monkey statue had me cracking up. had to include him in the shots.
the adorable flower girls. their dresses were so super cute.
the light in katie's parent's house was perfect.
i was digging the clock in the background. i thought it was a cool way to help document their day a bit more.
totally not posed. she was coming around the corner, while talking to a bridesmaid. loved her face in both of these shots.
her dress was AMAZING. seriously. i've never seen one like it before, and it was perfect for her.
loved katie's dog, just chillin out. watching everyone and keeping an eye out. :o)
watching girls get ready is always so fun for me. it is amazing what we go through. :o)
ok. so their whole house was adorable. look at that green wall!? perfect location for getting ready shots.
that wallpaper on katie's parent's bathroom wall is KILLER. all kinds of animal print in both shots. :o)
little toes. cuteness.
one of my favorite photos evah. i freakin love photographing kids. they are just so innocent and in the moment. i don't even think she knew i was there. love that.
eye drops...they make your eyes pretty. :o)
trying to capture little details around the house.
i don't even remember what they were watching, but it was so cute.
love her toes on the right. :o)
gotta love the mirror shots.
lots o' girls. :o)
green wall goodness. and i love how they are all doing their own thing.
that one on the right is another fave. love the hallway and that light.
as soon as i saw this wine bottle holder...i knew it had to be worked in to a shot somehow. :o)
are these shoes sexy or what?
final touchups.
all done. and so pretty.
i had to use that yellow / white wallpaper. it made her eyes pop.
nails make it hard to put shoes on. lol she got it though, without breaking any.
i could have taken about 50 shots of her getting her shoes on. such pretty light and that awesome green wall / couch.
had to get a shoe shot w/ the painted toes. :o)
so beautiful. from head to toe.
more to come from their gorgeous day.
:o) A
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